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Arts and Humanities Majors

Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. –Will Durant

Grounded within the time-honored college tradition, arts & humanities certifications analyze the activities that humans engage in towards the continued development of the entire world. Arts & humanities majors consider the ways in which art and culture have affected history, and exactly how those choices have an impact on the way in which we deal with others in our daily lives.

Albeit arts & humanity majors opt for specializations which cover anything from art to language to religion, they undertake a rudimentary number of common classes, designed to produce solid skills to ensure success in virtually any profession. The seemingly alike assessment of the universe offers arts & humanities majors the significant capability to connect present day decisions to those belonging to the past, in a manner that could deter us all from duplicating devastating blunders.

Precisely which careers are popular in arts & humanities?

Not every designer gets his or her own reality show; however, many arts & humanities majors blend their love of gist with their sense of function to aid in bettering our lives in manners unnoticeable even to us. Prior to hitting the runways or design fairs, such professionals start out their occupations in a degree program rooted within the arts & humanities. Owing to the advent of internet and computer technologies in general, most designers pursue their degrees online.

HOT Degrees

  • Interior Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Game Art Design
  • Animation
  • Digital Design
  • Liberal Arts

Interior designers go through many years of preparation that make them industry experts at generating ideas that result in the amazing places we reside, work, as well as shop. Fashion designers ensure that we look great without compromising on comfort.

Industrial designers are responsible for making products we all use to function a lot better. Irrespective of their varied pursuits, all the three professionals mentioned above have in common, a foundation in arts & humanities which maintains their attachment with the clients they serve.

Although they do not necessarily experience the jet-set life-style of the spies, as portrayed by the media, majority of intelligence agents place their arts & humanities qualifications to task in order to make our nation safe from harm. Their responsibilities are varied, ranging from monitoring broadcasts in various dialects, to preparing evaluation procedures of historic conflicts for top government officials; these intellectual and critical thinkers enjoy job security even in hard economies and very attractive benefit packages.

While walking through campus dorm rooms you are very likely to hear the abnormally loud sounds of gun-fire, engines roaring, gothic sound tracks et cetera. These are probably kids playing very expensive video games created by very talented and creative video game designers. Over the past few years, game art and design professions have experienced unprecedented growth with arts & humanity majors pairing their skills in arts with language and social interaction to come up with next generation video games.

Businesses compete for clients’ attention everyday and at all costs. They try getting to customers via the internet, radio, cable, on vehicles and walls around us et cetera. Advertising executives are responsible for the task of coming up with convincing advertisements for effective communication and persuasion. These arts and humanities based geniuses, use their knowledge earned in college to find unique and effective ways of connecting the sellers to their customer base.

Why consider a college degree in arts & humanities?

This is a great career to settle for since it does not involve routine and boring tasks. Although arts & humanities majors specialize in a key skill or two, they are still exposed to an array of courses and facilitators.

Reports from staffing experts and human resource managers reveal that the typical American remains in the same line of profession for at most seven years. Basing their argument on the current life expectancy, people might have to change their careers six or seven times!

By wielding your arts and humanities degree you can confidently leap into a career knowing well that your ability to absorb information in the field as a newbie will be somewhat easier. Specialists in other professions go through a lot of hardships trying to adapt to their new environments, however as an art and humanities major you take along your life skills to the work place.

What kinds of candidates make the best arts & humanities majors?

Ideally, students who thrive in arts and humanities love exploring and evaluating personal growth, enjoy challenges from self and others and prefer multi-subject areas. Since these programs allow students to create their own curricula, majors select course work which suit and excite them most. Those who attend online classes to supplement normal class work are able to pursue their degrees in a shorter duration.
Arts and humanities programs are ideal for students who haven’t decided where their passion lies or those with more than just one passion. As a matter of fact very many institutions encourage students to take elective courses apart from those offered in their faculties or departments. Some arts and humanities majors get to realize their passion after attending some other courses out of their specialties, which they wouldn’t have otherwise landed on had they been left to their own devices.

Busy people who have already been assimilated into the work force can expand their knowledge and skill base by enrolling for online classes which they can attend at their convenience.

What can you expect from our Guide to Arts & Humanities Majors?

Make an investment into your future by taking time to explore our profiles of specific arts and humanity majors since early specialization can give your career a well deserved head start.
By looking at profiles for each major, you will be able to discover career paths it opens, advantages of that major over others as well as online degree programs which you can embark on for that particular choice.

Find your arts & humanities major . . .

  • Writing Major
  • Theology Major
  • Religious Studies Major
  • Philosophy Major
  • Museum Studies Major
  • Library Science Major
  • Liberal Arts Major
  • Language Major
  • Interior Design Major
  • Humanities Major
  • General Studies Major
  • Game Design Major
  • English Major
  • Design Major
  • Classical Studies Major
  • Art Major