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Medical and Health Sciences Career Paths

Health and medical science majors have a wide array of career opportunities that ranges from surgery to healthcare administration. On the whole, Medical science majors zone in on pre-professional coursework, a prerequisite forming the foundation for their future work in graduate or professional schools. In contrast, Health science majors learn the application of science in medical analyses, mainly in fields such as diagnostics and Physiatry. Health and medical sciences majors are eligible for vocations in hospitals, in health agencies, or in the major pharmaceutical industry establishments, among others.

HOT Degrees

  • Alternative Medicine
  • Forensic Medicine
  • Nursing
  • Psychology
  • Public Health
  • Sports Medicine

What jobs are hot in Health & Medical Sciences?

Nurse. Numerous mid-life career shifts have tended towards the nursing profession for two important reasons. Primarily, the present scarcity of practiced nurses provides job seekers with amazing control over their program and commute. Secondly, notwithstanding the possibility of high levels of stress and fatigue at work, many nurses report an appreciably high level of professional fulfillment, particularly in comparison to typical agency or trade careers.

Medical Assistant. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects that medical assistants will be the beneficiaries of the fastest job enlargement of any profession between today and the year 2012. Frequent changes to the medical and malpractice insurance cover processes mean that many doctors will depend much more on medical assistants to provide first-rate concern over patient needs in demanding practices. As doctors entrust an increasing degree of tasks to medical assistants, the present moment’s health and medical science majors can expect higher job security and satisfaction in these roles, often accompanied by significant tuition compensation and professional advancement advantages.

Physical Therapist. In the next ten years, better health care will give Americans longer life and quicker recovery from key surgeries, and therefore the demand for capable, expert therapists should expand even more. As an ever expanding elderly populace endeavors to accustom to losing their mobility, physical therapists will enjoy remarkable demand in the coming decades.

Practiced therapists can decide on a fitting work preference not necessarily in a hospital setting, with possible options being in private practice or even in client homes. Physical therapists and assistants can anticipate a sturdy amount of program flexibility and a prospective for superior economic rewards.

Pharmaceutical Representatives. In the present day, International drug companies discover new answers to health difficulties with increasing rapidity. Local representatives are hired in their thousands by pharmaceutical companies to inform health professionals around the country as regards the latest medical breakthroughs; these representatives can hold one-on-one sessions with doctors and other caregivers about the advantages of new prescription treatment.

Health and medical science majors with a common interest in sales and networking can launch worthwhile careers offering travel benefits, competitive pay, and the prospect of sharing exciting breakthroughs that can in due course save lives.

Why should you consider a college major in Health & Medical Sciences?

According to the BLS, Health and medical sciences majors have the benefit of some of the most satisfying career prospects of all students. Current graduates will replace aging Baby Boomers in the employment market, but even more impacting, the number of Baby Boomers living longer indicates a demand for workers that few managers can adequately meet to attend to their long-term medical care. Therefore, look forward to unmatched scuffle over talent in the not so distant future, marked by greater than ever salaries, intensifying job perquisites, and enhanced working conditions.

Employer demand for health and medical sciences majors has caused steady salary increases for graduates even at present:

  • Clinical laboratory technicians: $32,130 in 2004 on average; $32,840 in 2006
  • Dental hygienists: from $28 an hour in 2004; $30 in 2006
  • Forensic science technicians: $40,356 to $45,323

A good many institutions are presently facing shortages, and many graduates thus enjoy extraordinary job mobility and flexibility in private practices and major medical facilities alike.

In a recent search carried out by a major job listings service, results revealed that the Boston area alone has nearly three thousand unfilled positions for nurses. It also identified the need for over 2,500 physicians’ aides and 1,500 therapists and researchers. Putting these figures on a countrywide scope quickly exposes the level of job security and towering demand that today’s health and medical sciences majors will have throughout their careers.

Online Degrees in Medical and Health Sciences

While it may sound counterintuitive, thanks to sophisticated technologies an increased number of healthcare students are able to earn their degrees either in some measure or absolutely online, depending on their areas of expertise. Physicians and nurses certainly must learn practically, but would-be healthcare administrators, psychologists, public health specialists and even nurse administrators have the alternative of learning online. For students who live in secluded or distant areas, distance education enables training more than teaching hospitals or career colleges. The same applies for those who must continue to work part- or full-time while they study.

For the most part, online degrees have come to be accepted for healthcare managers, whose work does not involve direct clinical contact, as well as registered nurses wishing to advance to managerial roles with a BSN or MSN upon completion of hands-on training. Sometimes even clinical degrees may be earned with the help of hybrid programs, in which the student studies theory online and organizes for physical practice locally.

What kinds of candidates make the best Health & Medical Sciences Majors?

Balanced, bright, and thoughtful individuals make the best health and medical sciences majors, and therefore admissions officers search for these constructive traits and life experiences in their applicants:

  • Steady high school grade point averages
  • High scores on standardized tests like the SAT
  • An optimistic, upbeat personality
  • Prior experience volunteering in a hospital or other health care setting
  • Community participation
  • Established problem-solving skills

The ability to absorb and apply complex medical theory will come in handy, but most health and medical sciences programs highlight the need for a graduate to enjoy life as a well-formed individual. The eminence of healthcare relies on filling vacant positions with sharp people who possess a good bedside manner of diagnosis. Consumers find more control over their health care choices every year, and strong patient examination can directly impact whether a graduate’s supervisor flourishes or suffers over the years to come.

What can you expect from our Guides to Health & Medical Sciences Majors?

Exploring our profiles of specific health & medical sciences majors would be a worthwhile venture, and because this field includes a range of industries, deciding upon a specialty early can give your calling a precious head start. Each profile shows you a select few ways that health & medical sciences degrees can turn a specialty into a meaningful line of work in the field of Medicine.

In appraising the profile for each one of the available majors, we share our insight on the benefits of choosing that major, a number of the potential career paths you can follow, any of the necessities to embark on a career in that field, and ways to take advantage of online learning programs to study from any place, frequently on your own schedule.

Find your medical & health science major . . .

  • Alternative Medicine
  • Clinical Laboratory Science
  • Communication Disorders
  • Counseling
  • Dental Hygiene
  • EMT & Paramedic
  • Forensic Medicine
  • Gerontology
  • Health Information Technology
  • Healthcare Administration — Healthcare Management
  • Health Promotion
  • Health Services
  • Life Care Planning
  • Long Term Care
  • Medical Informatics
  • Nursing
  • Nutrition & Food Science
  • Occupational Safety
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Pharmacy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Physician Assistant
  • Psychology
  • Public Health
  • Radiologic Science
  • Respiratory Therapy
  • RN to BSN
  • Sports Science