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Accreditation Types

So now that you have complete knowledge about accreditation, there is still one thing left. How do you identify that an institute is properly accredited?

Accreditation forms:

  1. Institutional accreditation: This type considers the whole educational institution to make sure that it meets the educational standard.
  2. Specialized accreditation: Specialized accreditation examines a particular program or department and ensures that it meets the industry standards.

Moreover, accreditation can be categorized as:

National Accreditation:

  • The U.S. Department of Education officially identifies some national accrediting agencies by using the same standards for acknowledgment that are used to recognize regional accrediting groups.
  • It is essential to note that the academic credit from any nationally accredited school is not universally transferable to a regionally accredited college. If the transferring credit is your goal, make sure to talk to the receiving colleges about your plan to transfer in order to be sure that they allow the credits obtained from the school that is nationally accredited. Every university has the right to reject and accept credits from other institutes.
  • National accredited institutes are likely to be more focused on career in the programs and institutions they work in collaboration with, featuring outcomes evaluation data for every institution, take in more of a hand on approach and focus on preparing students having salable skills.

Regional Accreditation

  • Regional accreditation is a traditional basis of accreditation for the colleges and educational institutions. The center of institutes having regional accreditation is on customary academics, and their degree programs are likely to take in more academic study areas, like Arts and the Humanities, in place of career or job training studies. The academic credits are easily transferred between the colleges that are regionally accredited.