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Posts Tagged ‘online MBA’

Hottest Degree Majors

Thursday, May 12th, 2011

It might be a good idea before setting in stone your educational goals to seek the advice of some professional career consulting. It is evident from enrollment numbers at most educational institutions that more students than ever are going to school. The large number of students that choose to go by of online degrees likely helps this; these numbers are significantly up. Before deciding what degree to work towards you may want to see what the hottest degree majors currently are?

It seems education and nursing are on top of the list. This appears to have been the way for quite a time. Checking the statistics will tell what the education trends are at the moment and the education usually follows the jobs.  So keep an eye on which direction you should head with your schooling. For example there has been a 51% growth in the past 10 years in jobs that require mathematical specialists. There are various areas you can choose to go with this such as accounting and actuarial studies.  The demand for these experts is high. In addition economists which is highly sought after also need a strong mathematic background are highly sought after. So if you have been told you are good with numbers think about stepping that up a notch.

Another field where there is hiring even in a bad economy is business and a graduate degree in business – such as  an online  MBA – can insure you have a good paying job even right after graduation. In the past 20 years there has been a 35% increase in jobs that require an MBA.

There are many areas of business management you can choose to work in where jobs outnumber qualified applicants.

For many students deciding what they want to do is always a tough decision. Sometimes it pays to take that little bit of extra time to decide by looking at who is getting a good paying job and who has to live with mom and dad and take a low paying having nothing to do with their education. Look and see what’s hot and what’s not. Times change and so do the demands for certain skilled people. So do yourself a favor, it might be the difference between a good job and a great job, do some research first before you finalize your choice.