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Posts Tagged ‘degree programs’

Top online Degrees for Marketable Careers

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

Nowadays, there are many distance learning programs that are designed for on the web learning. This is especially so for people who want to boost their careers and earning potential. However, the question that lingers is, how does one choose the right distance learning program? And furthermore, how marketable is it?

On making a decision, especially a right one, on the kind of online degree program to pursue one must take into consideration a number of factors such as: the kind of courses that are in demand, the amount of time it will take one to complete the online degree, the future outlook of that particular area, the expected remuneration and benefits and most importantly, the accrued benefits of online education. These considerations enable an individual to select the online degree program that best caters for their needs. Before committing to an online degree program, especially one that is marketable, one must be cautious and must back their decisions with extensive research so as to minimize the frustrations that come with making such decisions. This is due to the fact that a person’s future happiness, career marketability and mobility are at stake.

If you want a degree that is marketable and that gives you the best advantages in career options, then one should pursue online degree programs in fields such as:
Accounting: this online degree program prepares one to fill important financial roles in all business environments.

Business: this online degree program is varied and wide in nature as it offers a number of specialized areas for students to focus on. Basically, it prepares one for a career in business.

Criminal Justice: this online degree program provides education and interaction in areas pertaining to topics, issues and trends in the criminal justice system with reference to the current climate.

Human Resource Management: this online degree program provides one with the information and skills needed to handle a varied number of human resource tasks and decision-making situations employing the latest and most current information.

Hospitality and Food Science Management: this online degree program prepares one for a career as a business owner, manager etc. in the hospitality industry.

Nursing: this online degree program mainly consists of two types – Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) and Registered Nursing (RN). Their training mainly consists of how to perform clinical tasks – done under the supervision of licensed healthcare professional – and administrative tasks.

Teaching: this online degree program offers practicing teachers opportunities for development, especially K-12 teachers, and leads to other career advancement opportunities such as qualifying one to develop curriculum for both elementary and secondary levels.

Masters of Business Administration (MBAs): this online degree program is wide and varied in nature which offers a person opportunities and a chance to gain a valuable qualification without disturbing their daily schedule.

The above mentioned programs are the best and also have the highest enrollment rates in the country.

Stepping up Network Security: Campus and Online Degree Programs

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

College students, especially those majoring in computer science and information technology, often enjoy demonstrating their computer skills. Unfortunately, one of the ways students in these degree programs enjoy showing their expertise is in hacking into university network systems and making their presence known. As a result, campus based and online universities are ramping up security.

Many computer experts also recommend a layered approach to network security. By using firewalls, routers, and VPNS, or virtual private networks, colleges and universities hope to minimize the dangers posed by unwanted attacks. Protection, of course, is made even more challenging because of the many devices used by students and professors to enter the university network system. Smart phones, laptops, PCs, and iPads are all potential sources of electronic attack.

Both students and professors, as well as university adminstrators, should scan their computer systems regularly and monitor for potential threats. The majority of students trying to earn a degree online search regularly on the Internet for resources and information for their university degree programs. Unfortunately, in the process of doing this, they may leave their computer systems open to attack by visiting unsecured or potentially malicious websites.

If you are a student trying to earn a college degree at a campus-based university or through an online degree program, schedule your computer for a daily virus check. Don’t open emails from unfamiliar senders, even if they look official. Report any suspicious emails that purport to originate from your university or professor immediately. If possible, use an email program that scans attachments before you open them. And always, always, keep your virus protection software up-to-date.

Do Tuition Guarantees Really Save Students Money?

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

In past years, many traditional college degree programs featured guaranteed tuition rates to freshmen entering four-year degree programs. Of course, costs often continued to rise in other ways, such as higher dormitory charges, meal plan rate increases, more expensive book costs, etc. As a result, many universities began dropping these guaranteed rates, leaving students at the mercy of the economy and the universities’ financial situations.

Unlike these colleges and universities, however, online degree programs charge students only for the classes they take. Students enrolled in distance learning degree programs pay only for the number of credit hours in which they are actually enrolled, plus any applicable fees.

At first glance, you might think that this doesn’t really benefit the student as much as guaranteed tuition programs do. After all, students enrolled in degree programs that offer this guarantee pay only a set rate for each credit hour, and this rate won’t increase over the next four years.

The rate at which tuition increases, however, is much higher for incoming freshmen from year to year among degree programs that with those that do offer guaranteed tuition rates. Add this to increased meal plan charges, room costs, and other not-so-obvious fees, and students at these college often end up paying more for their college degrees than students who enroll in distance learning degree programs.

Many online universities today are offering college degree programs that can be require less money for completion than traditional degree programs. In fact, the average cost of a Bachelor Degree program at a distance learning degree program in 2010 is around $50,000. This may seem expensive, until you start comparing the cost of a college education at private colleges, which can average between $20-$40,000 a year.